Advanced Leadership Training | AFC in Canada
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Advanced leadership Training

Post Secondary

Advanced Leadership Training

Our Advanced Leadership Training (ALT) series is back this summer as we equip ACF/CCF post-secondary students to be effective leaders at their campus fellowship.


This training aims to equip and strengthen all students to be a witnessing community on their campus with practical skills and theological implications. The series will run throughout the summer for all Post-Secondary students and leaders. Some topics may include vision and leadership, Asian-Canadian identity, prayer and evangelism, mental health training and seminars, and many more. Topics are regularly updated and contextualized for ACF/CCF students. 


Summer 2023 Sessions

This summer, ALTs will be offered on a by-request basis. A minimum of 3 students is required for a workshop. Please fill in the following form to request or RSVP for an ALT. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you this summer!

Vision and Leadership (Post Campus Challenge Follow-up)

*Only for committee members who attended CC 2023's Vision and Leadership Workshop

Campus Challenge’s Vision and Leadership workshop ended off with the question of assessing your Spiritual Rhythm while also seeking vision for your fellowship. AFC would love to continue to walk alongside you and your committee in the conversation continuing from Campus Challenge’s Vision and Leadership if you so desire to.

Vision and Leadership

*Exclusive to current ACF/CCF Committee Members only 

During this two-part training, we will discuss the following: What is our identity as a campus fellowship, and why do we exist as a witnessing community? What is a vision, and why do we cast a vision in our fellowship? More importantly, what is the biblical vision that we need to carry out as a body of Christ? The training will also include a time for student leaders to reflect biblically and the reality of God’s work in their community. From there, leaders will be able to discern and develop a well-rounded vision for their fellowship.

Spiritual Formation

How do we change?  Spiritual formation is “the process of being formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others”.  We’ll examine the role that the dynamics of grace and the spiritual disciplines have in our transformation for God’s mission.

Women in Ministry

*This ALT will only be running on August 19, 2023*

How do Christian women discern their place within mostly male-dominated leadership structures? We will dive into the Sermon on the Mount and the book of Acts how Jesus invited women into His ministry, and encouraged women to embark on journeys in serving the Lord as they find their spiritual gifts and identity. 


Prayer changes everything. It’s also a vital practice that Christians ought to do regularly, but shockingly enough, most Christians have never been taught how to pray. Come unlearn monkey-see-monkey-do practices, learn how Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, and learn how to connect our prayers to the campus.

Leading Small Group

*Currently running on August 4, 2023*

The Christian life is meant to be lived out in the context of community. Small groups provide spaces for deeper connection, growth, exploring God’s mission with brothers and sisters in Christ, and welcoming others to encounter Jesus. Community is also messy, but beautiful things happen in that messiness. Come learn how to form, lead, and multiply small groups.

Leading Inductive Bible Study (IBS)

*Currently running July 14, 2023 and July 21, 2023*

Inductive Bible Study is a great way of studying the Bible on your own or with others. As we enter into Scripture, we want to be open, attentive, and curious, paying attention to the background and historical context and how God is speaking to each one of us while being faithful to the Scriptures and letting the word speak for itself. This definitely isn’t the easiest thing to pick up. It requires practice. Come join this 2-part workshop as you learn about and lead Inductive Bible Study.

Evangelism and Witness

Evangelism is often misconstrued as solely overseas, or requiring a special calling. But campus fellowships can act as powerful witnessing communities. In this workshop, we’ll learn about how we can regularly engage in student outreach.


We are called to make a defense to everyone who asks us to give an account for the hope that is in us. Yet more often we are scared of doing so because we do not know what to say. This workshop will address those concerns and bring about a sense of joy in apologetics.

Asian-Canadian Identity

What does the Gospel say about our identity as Asian Canadians? Scripture says that God created ethnicity to accomplish His purpose. If this is true, how can we redeem and reconcile with the various parts of our ethnic heritage and embrace the gifts that God has given us?

Understanding Culture

How exactly did our modern ways of thinking arise, and how do such streams of thought vary across time, space, and people groups? We’ll explore how Christians should act and think in an ever-increasing secular society.

Vocational Calling

The Bible says that we are God’s masterpiece created in Jesus Christ to do good works that he has prepared in advance for us to walk in. Therefore, all our work matters. How can we as Christians discern our part in the work of God and be committed to the common good?

Life After Graduation

Change is easy. Transitions are hard. As we move beyond post-secondary education, how do we navigate through periods of uncertainty, manage our expectations, learn to wait well, find community, and discern God’s call while adulting and figuring out life all at the same time?

For more information or inquiries about the Advanced Leadership Training sessions, please contact our team at

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