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NeXus 2023 Waiver 

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING. By proceeding to and completing the NeXus 2023 Registration, you agree to the following terms and conditions below:

As Participant:

I agree to follow all rules set forth by Ambassadors For Christ in Canada ("AFC").

  1. I agree that I fully accept all the responsibilities for any injury to myself while I am participating in NeXus 2023.

  2. I agree that in the event of an accident or sickness, AFC, its officials, staff, and volunteers are hereby released from any and all liability.

  3. I agree and acknowledge that pictures and videos may be taken during the event and used for future promotional purposes.

As Parent/Guardian:

I agree to follow all rules set forth by Ambassadors For Christ in Canada ("AFC").

  1. I give permission to my child to participate in NeXus 2023.

  2. I agree that in the event of an accident or sickness while in person, AFC, its officials, staff, and volunteers are hereby released from any liability.

  3. I agree that in the event my child conducts himself/herself in a manner that is disruptive, he/she will be dealt with appropriately, including the possibility of contacting me and/or removing him/her from participating. 

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions above.

Please read through the waiver agreement and check to agree before proceeding forward to registration

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