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Production Manager

We are looking for an experienced PM (production manager) to oversee the smooth execution of TC. The candidate will undergo training with the current PM and is expected to lead 2 of the 4 days of the conference.

Key Responsibilities:

- Oversee and manage the Media, Music, REC and AV teams to ensure production runs efficiently.
- Ensure on-time execution of the event schedule, resolving delays or disruptions.
- Liaison with keynote speakers leading up to and during the conference to ensure their sermons are ready for stage appearance.
- Troubleshoot technical issues on the fly, ensuring all production elements are flawless.
- Coordinate between teams ensuring clear communication and collaboration.
- Present during the days of Tech Rehearsals and the 4 days of the conference to oversee and manage live production.
- Pre and Post-Event Debrief: Debriefing all teams before each session (morning and evening); conducting a post-event review to assess what worked well and what can be improved for future events.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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